Live Events
Conway Springs School District provides free video streaming of many of the schools' events. These online videos are produced and run by our CSHS students. Thank you for your support.
4/23/22 Middle School & High School Choir Concert 7:00 pm
KTE Spring Music Program 7:00 pm
3/1/22 CSHS vs West Elk Boys District Play 7:00 Tip Off
2/22/22 CSHS vs Chaparral Girls & Boys BB 6:00 tip off
2/11/22 Conway Springs vs Belle Plaine Homecoming
2/1/22 CHSH vs Trinity Academy varsity Basketball 6:00 Gametime
1/20/22 Girls Varsity vs Medicine Lodge has been cancelled.
1/14/22 CSHS vs Garden Plain Varsity BB 6:00 tip off
1/7/22 Conway Springs vs Medicine Lodge Boys BB 7:30 tip off
12/16/21 Conway Springs vs Marion Girls Varsity BB
12/14 CSHS vs Douglass varsity Basketball 6:00 Gametimes
2021 CSHS Winter Concert 7:00 pm
2021 Middle School Winter Concert 7:00 pm
2021 KTE Holiday Concert 7:00 pm
11/5/21 Conway Springs vs Plainville Varsity Football 6:00 Kickoff
Conway Springs vs Sacred Heart Football Playoff Kickoff 7:00 pm
10/22/21 Conway Springs vs Sedgwick Varsity Football 7:00 Kickoff
October 8 CSHS vs Sublette Varsity Football 7:00 Kickoff Homecoming Ceremony following the Game
September 28 Volleyball Triangular 5:00 pm
September 21 Volleyball Triangular 5:00 pm
9/10/21 Conway Springs vs Remington Varsity Football 7:00 Kickoff
9/3/21 Conway Springs vs Garden Plain Varsity Football 7:00 Kickoff
2021 CSHS Graduation Ceremony Sunday May 16 starting @ 2:00 pm